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Degree Information

Grado de Maestro en Education Infantil en Albacete
Branch of  Social and Legal Sciencies
240 Total Credits
60 General Education Credits
102 Obligatory Credits
24 Elective Credits
6 Final Year Project Credits
48 Teacher Training Placement Credits
Campus and Places

In-Person Attendance
Contact Contact
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General Information Información general

The Undergraduate Degree in Early Childhood Education enables the student to practice the teaching profession for the 0-6 years stage. Therefore, the students receive training in the design and implementation of successful interventions for this stage which is key for learning. The programme provides training in the competencies of the 21st Century, such as modern foreign languages and technology. The academic dimension is complimented by the carrying out of teaching practice placements in the Study Plan and projects in educational centres in various subjects.

Formative Objectives
  • Be able to manage oneself in different educational situations (rural, urban, multicultural, regional, international, etc.).
  • Know the Objectives, Curricular Content, and Evaluation Criteria of Early Childhood Education

  • Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood.

  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity.

  • Encourage peaceful co-existence both in and outside the classroom and address peaceful conflict resolution

  • Understand language development in early childhood, know how to identify possible dysfunctions and carry out observations so as to follow proper evolution.

  • Know the basics of diet and hygiene for early childhood.

  • Understand how educational centres for early childhood are organized.

  • Act as a mentor for parents regarding family education for children of 0-6 years of age.

  • Reflect on the classroom protocols so as to innovate and improve the teaching-learning process.

  • Adapt to social, cultural, academic, scientific, and technological changes.


Competencies are the capacities which develop different abilities. The Undergraduate Degree in Early Childhood Education capacitates the students with the ability to carry out the teaching profession in this educational stage in the following aspects, among others:

  • Treat students coherently, with respect and consideration, and be aware of their development as learners.
  • Communicate sensibly and effectively with parents and tutors, recognizing their roles in the pupils learning process, as well as their rights, responsibilities, and interests with the educational project.

  • Be aware of and understand the educational values, principles, and challenges set forth in the Royal Decree of basic education for early childhood.

  • Be aware of the need to establish curricular adaptations tailored for the type of student and their needs.

  • Understand how a students learning may be influenced by their physical, intellectual, linguistic, social, cultural, and emotional development.

  • Be able to set teaching-learning objectives that are relevant to all the students.

  • Know how to utilize the teaching-learning objectives in lesson plans, lesson sequences, and student evaluation orientation. Bear in mind and support those students with difficulties of any ethnic group so that they progress adequately.

  • Select and prepare sources of information and plan safe, effective organization.

  • Plan activities so that the pupils have learning experiences outside the school setting, such as visits to museums, theatres, etc. with the collaboration of adequate personnel for each activity.

  • Identify and respond appropriately to diversity


Career Opportunities

The undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education orients and officially capacitates the student for the profession of Early Childhood Education Teacher, a profession which is regulated by the LOE (art. 93.2 y disposición adicional 9.1), applicable to public centres, private centres, and chartered centres alike. While the fundamental professional objective is to carry out the teaching profession in the second cycle of early childhood education (3-5 years) in educational centres, the degree also enables the student to become a qualified teacher for the first stage of early childhood education (0-2 years) in early childhood education centres.

The undergraduate degree also grants access to administration in the educational field through activities such as educational inspection, which can be reached after becoming a qualified teacher, as well other types of state exams.

Additionally, non-formal education presents an array of activities such as sociocultural animation, play centres, and childrens libraries or the development of programmes for early childhood attention.

In the same way, and as a new development with respect to the teaching diploma before the implementation of Plan Bolonia, the undergraduate degree allows one to gain access to further degrees such as the Master´s in Educational Investigation and Innovation. In this way one may have the possibility of completing doctoral studies without the need of undertaking pre-entry preparatory studies.


Course FB B O P E
1 42 18 0 0 0
2 18 42 0 0 0
3 0 30 6 0 24
4 0 12 18 6 24
TOTAL 60 102 24 6 48

FB : General Education B : Obligatory O : Electives P : Final Year Project  E : Teacher Training

Acceso y MatrículaHow to Apply, and Tuition and Fees
How to Apply

Los estudiantes que deseen iniciar estudios oficiales de grado en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha podrán solicitarlo por cualquiera de las vías de acceso previstas en la normativa vigente.Students who wish to begin their official studies for an undergraduate degree at the University of Castilla-La Mancha may apply through any means recognized in the current legislature.

In the case that a prospective student should want to enter directly into a programme (estudios de matrícula directa), they may formalize their enrolment in the undergraduate degree programmes for each academic course within the established time frame (plazos establecidos).

For all other studies, prospective students should enrol with all necessary documents attached through the Virtual Secretary (Secretaría Virtual) within the established dates (plazos establecidos. )

If one wishes to participate in the re-admission process, they may apply each time that a new publication on lists is produced, especially for those options which one most prefers.

For information on pre-enrolment, consult our Pre-inscription Guide.  Guía de Preinscripción .

At the moment of admission, the student is given an enrolment date, which the student may change only once through the Virtual Secretary (Secretaría Virtual)In the event that the student does not formalize their enrolment by the established deadline, they will lose their place and it will be offered to students on the waiting list.

Full-time students in the first course must sign up for no less than 60 credits and no more than 48. If the student is registered as part-time, they must register for 30 credits. The subjects for the first course that are recognized transfer credits will be computed to the affects of the aforementioned.

The tuition fee will be determined according to the chosen undergraduate degree programme number of credits chosen, the number of times the student has to take any given subject, the possible recognized transfer credits, and the possible exemptions or awarding of the tuition fees that should be paid upon formalisation.

If the student has applied for a scholarship of general assistance for university studies from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, that should be indicated when formalising the enrolment. In such a case, the student will only have to pay the secretarial fees. Tuition paid in full or divided into a maximum of 10 installments. 

More information on tuition can be found in the Tuition Guide.Guía de Matrícula .

For any other information related with the processes of academic management, please contact the (UGAC) Campus Department of Academic Management or send a message via the Student Mailbox.


Places and Minimum Score
Minimum Score
Recognized Credit Transfer among Official University Teachings

The Committe of the Recognition and Transfer of Credits of the Degree will study the prescedents of equivalent recognition for each academic transcript upon student application.

Recognition for Superior Level Vocational School Cycles
TS EN Education INFANTIL (LOE): Expresión y comunicación
301 Grado de Maestro en Education Infantil (AB) 47313 ADQUISICIÓN Y DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE
302 Grado de Maestro en Education Infantil (CR) 47313 ADQUISICIÓN Y DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE
303 Grado de Maestro en Education Infantil (CU) 47313 ADQUISICIÓN Y DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE
304 Grado de Maestro en Education Infantil (TO) 47313 ADQUISICIÓN Y DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE


Reconognition of University Activities

As outlined in the Legislature of the Recognition and Transfer of Credits at UCLM, up to 6 credits for participation in university activities. The number of recognized transfer credits for these activities will be applied to the electives required as per the plan of studies.

FB : Formación básica OB : Obligatoria OP : Optativa PE : Practicas en empresa E : Asignatura de carácter práctico TFG : Trabajo fin de Grado

S1 : Primer semestre S2 : Segundo Semestre AN : Anual






The University of Castilla-La Mancha firmly supports international mobility not only throughout Europe through the ERASMUS programme but in other continents through written agreements with international universities.

UCLM offers a Language Center for the learning of languages, not only English but also French, German, Italian, Japanese and Arabic, as well as Chinese language and culture through the Confucius Institute.

Additionally, UCLM offers wide, and growing, range of double international degrees and provides the student with a professional accreditation in two different countries thereby facilitating their insertion in the workforce.

    • 1516 Nicosia: Universidad Europea de Chipre . Number of Places: 4. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/371. Programme Description: Education.
    • 1036 ¿Pallourioutissa. Nicosia: Universidad de Frederick . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/614. Programme Description: Education.
    • 1678 Nicosia: Universidad de Chipre . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/613. Programme Description: Education.
    • 21000 Split: Universidad de Split . Number of Places: 5. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/644. Programme Description: Education.
    • VIA University College. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/630. Programme Description: Education.
    • SI 1000 Ljubljana: Universidad de Ljubljana . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/656. Programme Description: Education.
    • Malta: Universidad de Malta . Number of Places: 0. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/629. Programme Description: Education.
    • 10120 Tallin Estonia: Universidad de Tallin . Number of Places: 0. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/308. Programme Description: Education.
    • Aix-en- Provence: ESPE-Universite D´Aix-Marseille. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/604. Programme Description: Education.
    • 69300 Caluire: Institut de l'Oratoire, Caluire . Number of Places: 5. Duration: 3. Programme Code: 011/320. Programme Description: Education.
    • Boulogne: Institut Supérieur de Réééducation Psychomotrice . Number of Places: 3. Duration: 4. Programme Code: 011/229. Programme Description: Education.
    • RP 815 78008 Versailles Cédex: Université de Cergy-Pontoise-IUFM . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/610. Programme Description: Education.
    • Villeneuve d'Ascq: Universidad de Lille . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/652. Programme Description: Education.
    • LIMOGES: Universidad de Limoges . Number of Places: 1. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/321. Programme Description: Education.
    • F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9: Université du Maine . Number of Places: 0. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/312. Programme Description: Education.
    • 33705 Merignac Cedex: Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/503. Programme Description: Education.
    • 20123 Milán: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/214. Programme Description: Education.
    • 20123 Milán: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/636. Programme Description: Education.
    • 67100 L 'Aquila: Universitá degli Studi dell Aquila . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/626. Programme Description: Education.
    • 85100 Potenza: Università degli Studi della Basilicata . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/521. Programme Description: Education.
    • Università degli Studi di Bari. Number of Places: 6. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/646. Programme Description: Education.
    • 40126 Bolonia: Università degli Studi di Bologna . Number of Places: 3. Duration: 3. Programme Code: 011/609. Programme Description: Education.
    • Università degli Studi di Foggia. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 3. Programme Code: 011/337. Programme Description: Education.
    • 20126 Milán: Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/205. Programme Description: Education.
    • 07100 Sassari: Università degli Studi di Sassari . Number of Places: 4. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/212. Programme Description: Education.
    • Università degli Studi Roma Tre . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/238. Programme Description: Education.
    • 87036 Arcavacata di Rende: Università della Calabria . Number of Places: 3. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 541/202. Programme Description: Matemáticas.
    • 00193 Roma: Università Lumsa . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/222. Programme Description: Education. 
    • CRACOVIA: Universidad Jesuita Ignatianum en Cracovia. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/506. Programme Description: Education.
    • 38-400 Kroisno, Polonia: Krosno State College . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/219. Programme Description: Education.
    • 30-084 Krakov: Universidad Pedagógica de Cracovia . Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/605. Programme Description: Education.
    • Gliwice: PolitechniKa Slaska. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/634. Programme Description: Education.
    • 82-300 Elblag: State University of Applied Sciences in Elblag. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/235. Programme Description: Education.
    • 82-300 Elblag: State University of Applied Sciences in Elblag. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 4. Programme Code: 023/201. Programme Description: Lengua Inglesa y Literatura.
    • KRAKOW: Tischner European University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/632. Programme Description: Education.
    • Gdansk: University of Gdansk. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 023/203. Programme Description: Lengua Inglesa y Literatura.
    • University of Opole. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/638. Programme Description: Education.
    • 40 007 Katowice: University of Silesia in Katowice. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/620. Programme Description: Education.
    • 00927 Warszawa: University of Warsaw. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/310. Programme Description: Education.
    • 00927 Warszawa: University of Warsaw. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/502. Programme Description: Education.
    • 00927 Warszawa: University of Warsaw. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/608. Programme Description: Education.
    • 65-417 ZIELONA GORA: University of Zielona Gora. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/217. Programme Description: Education.
    • 02-202 Warszaw: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/345. Programme Description: Education.
    • Escola Superior de Educaçao de Paula Frassnetti. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/619. Programme Description: Education.
    • Escola Superior de Educaçao de Paula Frassnetti. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 111/606. Programme Description: Education Social.
    • Instituto Piaget. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 111/604. Programme Description: Education Social.
    • 3000-271 Coimbra: Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/368. Programme Description: Education.
    • 3000-271 Coimbra: Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/625. Programme Description: Education.
    • 2410 Leiria: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/218. Programme Description: Education.
    • 1549-003 Lisboa: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/307. Programme Description: Education.
    • 2001-904 Santarem: Instituto Politécnico de Santarem. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/513. Programme Description: Education.
    • Viana do Castelo: Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/639. Programme Description: Education.
    • Instituto Superior de Educaçao e Ciencias. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 4. Programme Code: 111/605. Programme Description: Education Social.
    • 6200 Covilha: Universidade da Beira Interior. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/657. Programme Description: Education.
    • 3810-193 Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/346. Programme Description: Education.
    • 3810-193 Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/509. Programme Description: Education.
    • 5000-911 VILAREAL: Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/510. Programme Description: Education.
    • 8005-139 Faro: Universidade do Algarve. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/348. Programme Description: Education.
    • 8005-139 Faro: Universidade do Algarve. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 4. Programme Code: 011/504. Programme Description: Education.
    • P-4710-057 Braga: Universidade do Minho. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/655. Programme Description: Education.
    • P-4710-057 Braga: Universidade do Minho. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/623. Programme Description: Humanidades.
    • 1749-024 Lisboa: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Number of Places: 5. Duration: 3. Programme Code: 011/303. Programme Description: Education.
    • Porto: Universidade Lusófona do Porto. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/658. Programme Description: Education.
    • Lisboa: University of Lisbon. Number of Places: 0. Duration: 6. Programme Code: 011/349. Programme Description: Education.
    • Lisboa: University of Lisbon. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 10. Programme Code: 011/517. Programme Description: Education. 
    • Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1SQ: Anglia Ruskin University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/612. Programme Description: Education.
    • Chester CH1 4BJ: University of Chester. Number of Places: 1. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/654. Programme Description: Education.
    • Chester CH1 4BJ: University of Chester. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/215. Programme Description: Education.
    • 709 00 OSTRAVA: Ostrava University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/515. Programme Description: Education.
    • 709 00 OSTRAVA: Ostrava University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 313/602. Programme Description: Education Social.
    • 371 15 Ceske Budejovice: University of South Bohemia. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/611. Programme Description: Education.
    • University of West Bohemia. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/511. Programme Description: Education.
    • 11 IASI 7000506: Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/223. Programme Description: Education.
    • TIMISOARA: UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA TIMISOARA. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/631. Programme Description: Education.
    • 720229 SUCEAVA: University "Stefan cel Mare" Sucea. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/220. Programme Description: Education.
    • University 1st December 1918 Alba Iulia. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 3. Programme Code: 011/342. Programme Description: Education.
    • Bucharest: University of Bucharest. Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/314. Programme Description: Education.
    • 110040 Pitesti: University of Pitesti. Number of Places: 5. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/315. Programme Description: Education.
    • 540088 Targu Mures - Rumanía: University Petru Maior of Targu Mures. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/301. Programme Description: Education.
    • 0200 Targoviste: Valahia University of Targoviste. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 4. Programme Code: 011/369. Programme Description: Education.
    • S-205 06: Malmö University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/237. Programme Description: Education.
    • 07058 Campus Antalya: Akdeniz University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/615. Programme Description: Education.
    • Diskapi 06110 Ankara: Ankara University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/230. Programme Description: Education.
    • ADANA: Cukurova Universitesi. Number of Places: 3. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/206. Programme Description: Education.
    • Malatya: Inönü University. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/633. Programme Description: Education.
    • Marmara Üniversitesi . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/622. Programme Description: Education.
    • HATAY: Universidad Mustafa Kemal . Number of Places: 3. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/607. Programme Description: Education.
    • Universidad Nigde Ömer Halisdemir. Number of Places: 2. Duration: 9. Programme Code: 011/213. Programme Description: Education.
    • 25240 Erzuzum: Universidad Ataturk . Number of Places: 4. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/319. Programme Description: Education.
    • Kütahya: Universidad de Dumlupinar . Number of Places: 2. Duration: 5. Programme Code: 011/309. Programme Description: Education.
National MobilityMovilidad Nacionales
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
    • Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    • Maestro en Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Alicante
    • Maestro en Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
    • Maestro en Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 5.
  • Universidad de Barcelona
    • Maestro de Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Cádiz (Campus de Puerto Real)
    • Magisterio de Education Infantil : Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 5.
  • Universidad de Cantabria
    • Magisterio en Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
    • Magisterio en Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 5.
  • Universidad de Huelva
    • Maestro en Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Jaen
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de La Rioja
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Leon
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 5.
  • Universidad de Malaga
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Murcia (Campus de Espinardo)
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Sevilla
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
  • Universidad de Valencia (Campus dels Tarongers)
    • Maestro en Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
    • Maestro en Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 1. Duration: 5.
  • Universidad de Valladolid (Campus de Segovia)
    • Education Infantil: Number of places for study programme: 2. Duration: 9.
Internships, Teacher Training Placements Prácticas externas

The internships with businesses  prácticas externas en empresas allow the student to gain real-life experience in institutional, business, and laboral settings withing their respective professions which facilitates the transition into the workforce.

UCLM offers the Center for Information and the Promotion of Employment Centro de Información y Promoción de Empleo (CIPE) which helps our students and alumni prepare themselves for entering the workforce through developing competences, business contacts, and the utilization of the adequate tools.

Lastly, UCLM offers the UCLMEmprende programme programa UCLMEmprende, whose objective is to encourage entrepreneurialship among students and alumni.


Internships / Teacher Training Placement Agreements
Artisitc, Recreational, and Training Activities Associative Activities
Activities in Central Offices; Activities in Business Mangagement Consultation Education ITC Programming, Consulting, and other Related Activities