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pplications for places by students with partial official university studies who do not have a minimum of 30 ECTS credits recognised in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 will have to join the general admissions process.

The application will be processed considering the form of access and the mark for which you obtained a place in your previous studies.

You will be required to submit documentation relating to your form of access.

Once you have been granted a place, you must formalise the transfer of your scholar record. If you have pending exams in September, you must confirm that you are willing to take the place on the official form provided by the Academic Management Unit of the Campus where the studies you have been admitted to are taught, so that you can formalise your enrolment once you have obtained the grades in the aforementioned exams and with the prior appointment assigned to you.

If you do not meet the requirements for staying at the University, you should refrain from applying for a place.