Objectives and Relationships

Center for Fiscal Studies


The International Center of Fiscal Studies-European School of Advanced Fiscal Studies (CIEF-EEAET) with autonomy at the University of Castilla-La Mancha created this department in order to satisfy the demands os society's growing interest and need of knowledge, research, and technical assessment of European and International fiscal studies, also, it contributes with regards to norms, law, scientific decision making, and the application and regulation of tax systems.



The CIEF-EEAET satisfies the needs of the European School of Advanced Fiscal Studies, crated in the University of Bolonia crated to promote the study of the rights of European Tax and International Fiscal Rights with an original method with regards to research commitment to the tax systems of the Member Countries of the European Union and communal tax order.

Our center has various activities including he fallowing:

  1. The development and promotion of research studies and projects.
  2. Specialized Classes.
  3. Scientific and technical assessment for private and public institutions.
  4. Creation of a specialized bibliographical and document bank.
  5. Presentations on carrying the world out the European Tax Rights and International Fiscal.



The International Center of Fiscal Studies-European School of Advanced Fiscal Studies (CIEF-EEAET), initially it was founded over the base of the Research of Financial and Tax Rights Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, carries out activities related to the common of the European School of Advanced Fiscal Studies, with the participation and collaboration of other areas and deferments of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, other Universities, and public and private institutions.

The tributary phenomenon goes beyong the juristic area and goes into the non juristic areas. For example, economic areas via the fiscal politics and accounting, ect .

This give place to intrest that translate in projects with other areas and Regional, National, and International University Departments.

We have a close collaboration academically and research wise with the members of the European Universality that deal with Tax related subjects as well as American Universities. For example, since 2000 we have the participation of the European Law Tax PhD Program under the coordination of the University of Bolonia. The fallowing universities are involved in this Program the University of Bourgogne, Castilla-La Mancha, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Tilburg, München, Pablo de Olavide, Santiago de Compostela, Strasbourg "Robert Schuman", Urbino, Valladoliz and Valencia.

Since 1.999, the area of Financial and Tax Law of the University of Castilla-La Mancha that cordinates the Red Theme "Aspectos Fiscales y arancelarios de los procesos de integración económica: las experiencias de la Unión Europea, MERCOSUR, del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte y del Sistema Andino de integración", that formed part of the University Complutense, the University of Valladolid, the University of Surth Anáhuac (México), the University of Chiclayo (Perú) and the Latinamerican University of Science and Tehcnology (Costa Rica)

We also participate with other Academic and Research Centers. We have a very strong and successful collaboration with the Tax Studies Institutes. This can be seen in numerous activities. For example, the Law PhD classes and activities for Latin Americans, as well the courses of Tributary Law for Post Graduate students for Latin Americans students. The courses that deal with Tax Law count with the participation of the Fiscal Law and the University of Bolonia recognizes the courses towards the Tax Law Master "A. Berliri".

The Research Group on Financial and Tax Lax forms part with the fallowing groups of the University of Turin, Aix in Marseille, Lusiada of Lisboa and Complutense. The organization has European Conferences on Constitutional Tax Law and in the second and sixth edition these conferences took place in Toledo at the University of Castilla la Mancha, on november 2.000 and 2.004.

The European Tax Law PhD program that works with various Universities started since 2003-2004 to 2008-2009. This program is coordinated by the UCLM with the participation of the University of Santiago de Compostela and professors of various European Universities that have ties to the European School of Advanced Fiscal Studies. The PhD program received the Quality recognition during the june 29, 2005 resolution that the State Universities and Research Department had.

The Center international relations also reach other Institutions in Latin America with whom they have signed Collaboration Agreements in the last years. This has let the parities involved have various activities together that have been very significant. For example, the General Interdepartemental Costa Rica and the Financial Ministry of Honduras.

Finally, the Scientific Committee of various Spanish and International Journals and the Spanish Financial Law Journal, as Revista Española de Derecho Financiero, "Tributum" of Venezuela, Tributos Locales, etc.