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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

PhD Program In Health Sciences.

Ciencias de la Salud
Icono de la rama del estudio
General Information

This Doctoral Program builds on the previous experience in the delivery of the previous Doctoral Programs in ‘Experimental Biomedicine,’ ‘Medical and Surgical Pathology’ and ‘Applied Psychology Research’ and from the need to adapt the offer of Third Cycle studies to the current legislation, carrying out an interdisciplinary program supported by the interest of research in Health Sciences.

  • The Doctoral Program in ‘Experimental Biomedicinestarted in September 2005 (regulated by RD 778/1998) and verified by ANECA in July 2009 for the adaptation to Royal Decree 1393/2007. This doctoral program was recognized with the Quality Mention from the Ministry of Education and Science/Ministry of Science and Innovation since its second edition (Ref. MCD2006-00037, renovated until 2009/10) and subsequently with the Mention of Excellence (BOE of 20/10/2011; Ministry of Education and Science). 

  • The Doctoral Program in ‘Medical and Surgical Pathologystarted in 2008/2009 as part of the 2008/10 biennium. The Program was positively evaluated by ANECA (July 15, 2009) and officially recognized by the Council of Ministers on March 12, 2010.

  • The Doctoral Program in ‘Applied Psychology Researchwas positively verified by ANECA (30/11/2009) for its adaptation to Royal Decree 1393/2007 and has its precedent in the doctoral programPsychologythat began to be taught in the 2000-2001 academic year at the UCLM (regulated by Royal Decree 778/1998), which has been in force until its extinction in the 2011-12 academic year. 

The Doctoral Program in Health Sciences presented below brings together graduates in the field of Health Sciences in related areas such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Nursing and other related areas.

The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines

The Faculty of Medicine of Albacete, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Regional Center for Biomedical Research (CRIB), the Institute of Neurological Disabilities (IDINE) and the Albacete University Hospital Complex (CHUA)constitute the core of research and teaching in Health Sciences of the Albacete Campus, although of regional dimension. These university centers are complemented by the Bio incubator of Albacete Science and Technology Park. Together they share the objective of enhancing and coordinating the research lines that will improve the quality of our health system and training opportunities for professionalsRegarding the UCLM's own research centers, IDINE is aimed at multidisciplinary research into the molecular, cellular, organic, psychological, and social bases of motor, sensory and cognitive neurological disabilities.

On the other hand, the CRIB groups research lines in Growth Biology, Differentiation and Cell Activation; Tumor Stem Cells; Diabetes and Obesity with Aging; Cell Physiology and Dynamics; Medical Mycology; Human Neuroanatomy; Molecular Oncology; Molecular Virology; and Health, Medicine and Society

85 researchers belong to CRIB , distributed in 13 research groups on the UCLM campuses of Albacete, Ciudad Real and Toledo, while IDINE has 12 research groups comprising a total of 65 researchers.  Researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy, in addition to belonging to the CRIB, contribute with new lines of research oriented to the design and synthesis of molecules with antitumor activity and neuropharmaceuticals for the study of developmental and aging processes; and molecular mechanisms involved in cell death

The Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real, the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies, the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real and the Mancha Centro Hospital Complex of Alcázar de San Juan, although of regional dimension due to the integration of research lines in Oxidative Stress, Diabetes and Obesity, Neuroplasticity, Neurodegeneration and Neurochemistry in the CRIB.

The scientific activity performed by the different research groups of the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real revolves around the study of neurosciences approached from the molecular, cellular, physiological, pharmacological, behavioral and historical perspectives. In this sense, we have been working on the study of neuroplasticity and neurodegeneration processes in pathophysiological conditions, the molecular and cellular bases of synaptic plasticity processes in the Central Nervous System, the modulation of neurotransmitter receptors and their implication in neurodegenerative diseases, oxidative stress and its implication in neurodegeneration processes, the interrelationships between health, medicine and society from a historical point of view, and studies of social cognition and social neuroscience, among others. In the last five years, this research has been and is being funded with more than 20 competitive projects from different regional, national, European and private agencies, of which 8 are still active during 2013. The quality of the results obtained has allowed us to generate in the last five years more than 110 articles in indexed journals of impact and more than 40 books or book chapters.

Regarding the Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Nursing of Talavera de la Reina, some transdisciplinary research lines and groups are being developed that integrate the profiles of different researchers, such as the technological innovation applied to health, which is oriented to the study of the usefulness of different types of technological devices in the prevention and rehabilitation of people with different disorders, or the evaluation of health technologies, which studies the cost-effectiveness of some devices and health tools. The faculty also participates in inter-institutional projects, such as the PRECA study on the prevalence of mental illness in prisons or the study of the role of morphological processing in word recognition in children with and without reading disorders.

From the Faculty, diverse types of collaborations between health institutions from the regions have been developed. To highlight the link between the National Hospital of Paraplegics, where they are developing some projects and doctoral theses linked to the research lines previously cited, and where different clinical associate professors of the faculty work. The U.S. of Nursing and Physiotherapy has different research lines related to their knowledge areas and counts with different health resources of the area, having a strong collaboration with the different hospitals in the city of Toledo (Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Hospital Virgen del Valle and Hospital Provincial), as well as the Health Centers, where doctoral theses are being developed and where associate professors of Health Sciences work. Likewise, the School of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry integrates both consolidated lines of research at the UCLM and emerging in the field of biomedicine and led by professors belonging to the CRIB. The main lines of research address the molecular characterization of adipokines, the study of placental metabolism and gestational diabetes, as well as the molecular characterization of metabolic alterations associated with the development of tumor phenotype.

The Albacete General University Hospital has more than 500 physicians. Between the clinical research groups of the different services include ophthalmology, neurology, geriatrics, oncology, cardiology, pneumology and internal medicine. In addition, the hospital has a Clinical-Experimental Research Unit, which has an animal facility, a Biobank, a Neuropsychopharmacology Unit, a Translational Oncology Unit, and a CAIBER Unit where support is provided for independent clinical trials. During 2012, a total of 38 projects obtained through competitive funding were active. Overall, more than 250 indexed articles have been published in the last 5 years.

The Ciudad Real General University Hospital has more than 500 physicians, 17% of whom hold a PhD degree. Between the different research groups from the different services, the most important are those of systems pathology, mechanical ventilation, endocrine pediatrics, surgery, neurology, dermatology, digestive and allergy (.: HGUCR – Grupos, Líneas y Áreas :.). Overall, during the last five years, they have obtained competitive funding to develop more than 20 research projects and have published more than 100 indexed articles.
The La Mancha Centro General Hospital has more than 300 physicians, 14% of whom hold a PhD degree. The research


The professors and researchers who are part of the Doctoral  Program in Health Sciences are grouped into two research teams:

  • Experimental Biomedicine.

  • Human Pathology.

The participants in each of them are listed below. A list of Centers, DepartmentsServices and acronym sused in the tables can be found at the end.


  Experimental Biomedicine Research Team:

Name and Surname Email Categoría Center Department
Albasanz Herrero, José Luis Contact T.U. FMED.CR QIOBQ
Alcaín Tejada, Francisco Javier Contact C.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Alonso Moreno, Carlos Contact P.C.Dr. FFARMA.AB QIOBQ
Amo Salas, Mariano Contact T.U. FMED.CR MATEM
Andrés Hueva, Antonio Contact C.U. FCCTQ.CR QIOBQ
Aroca Aguilar, José Daniel Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.CR CTAGEN
Arribas Garde, Enrique Contact C.U. ESINF.AB FISAPL
Arribas Mocoroa, Carmen Contact T.U. FCDEP.TO QIOBQ
Arroyo Jiménez, Mª del Mar Contact C.U. FFARMA.AB CCMED
Artacho Pérula, Emilio Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Baladrón García, Victoriano Contact T.U. FMED.AB QIOBQ
Ballesteros Yañez, Inmaculada Contact P.C.Dr. FMED.CR QIOBQ
Barbero García, Antonio Contact T.U. FFARMA.AB FISAPL
Bravo Pérez, Iván Contact P.C.Dr.int FFARMA.AB QUIFIS
Caminos Benito, Mª Elena Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Castillo Sarmiento, Carlos A. Contact P.C.Dr.int FTOLENF.TA QIOBQ
Ceña Callejo, Valentín Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Clemente Casares, Pilar Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB CCMED
de Groot, Piet Contact INCRECyT PCyTA / UCLM CRIB
de la Casa Esperón, Elena Contact P.C.Dr.int.
de la Rosa Prieto, Carlos Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.CR QIOBQ
del Cura González, Mercedes Contact P.C.Dr.int FMED.AB CCMED
Díaz Delgado, Carmen Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Díaz Méndez, Darío Nuño Contact T.U. FMED.CR PSICOL
Domingo Moreno, Beatriz Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB CCMED
Durán Prado, Mario Contact P.C.Dr. FMED.CR CCMED
Escribano Martínez, Julio Contact C.U. FMED.AB CTAGEN
Fernández Vaquero, Cecilia Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Gallardo Alpizar, Nilda del C. Contact T.U. FCCTQ.CR QIOBQ
García Martínez, Joaquín C. Contact T.U. FFARMA.AB QIOBQ
García Ramírez, José Javier Contact T.U. FMED.AB QIOBQ
Garzón Ruiz, Andrés Contact T.U. FFARMA.AB QUIFIS
Gómez Gómez, Lourdes Contact T.U. FFARMA.AB CTAGEN
González García, Carmen Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Guerrero Moreno, Silvia Contact T.U. FEDU.TO PSICOL
Insausti Serrano, Ricardo Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Jiménez Díaz, Lydia Contact T.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Jordán Bueso, Joaquín Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Laborda Fernández, Jorge Contact C.U. FMED.AB QIOBQ
Latorre Postigo, José Miguel Contact C.U. FMED.AB PSICOL
León Navarro, David Agustín Contact P.C.Dr. FCCTQ.CR QIOBQ
Llopis Borrás, Juan Fco. Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Llorens Folgado, Silvia Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Marcos Rabal, Pilar Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Martín López, Mairena Contact C.U. FENF.CR QIOBQ
Martínez Díaz-Guerra, Mª José Contact C.U. FMED.AB QIOBQ
Martínez Galán, Juan Ramón Contact T.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Martínez Marcos, Alino Contact C.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Martínez Pérez, José Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Mas López, Antonio Contact T.U. FFARM.AB CCMED
Mohedano Moriano, Alicia Contact T.U. FCCSS.TA CCMED
Molina Alarcón, Milagros Contact T.U. FENF.AB QIOBQ
Monsalve Argandoña, Eva Mª Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB CCMED
Muñoz López, Mónica Contact P.C.Dr. FMED.AB CCMED
Nájera López, Alberto Contact P.C.Dr. FMED.AB CCMED
Nava Hernández, Eduardo Contact C.U. FMED.AB CCMED
Navarro Bravo, Beatriz Contact Asoc. FMED.AB PSICOL
Navarro López, Juan de Dios Contact T.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Nueda Sanz, Mª Luisa Contact P.C.Dr. FFARMA.AB QIOBQ
Peinado Mena, Juan Ramón Contact T.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Pintado Losa, Cristina Contact P.C.Dr.int. FCCABQ.TO QIOBQ
Polonio López, Begoña Contact T.U. FCCSS.TA ENFFIS
Porras Gallo, Mª Isabel Contact C.U. FMED.CR CCMED
Posadas Mayo, Inmaculada C. Contact C.U. FFARMA.AB CCMED
Ricarte Trives, Jorge Javier Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB PSICOL
Rodríguez Robledo, Virginia Contact T.U. FFARMA.AB QANTAL
Ros Segura, Laura Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB PSICOL
Ruiz Hidalgo, Mª José Contact T.U. FMED.AB QIOBQ
Sabariegos Jareño, Rosario Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.AB CCMED
Sáiz Sánchez, Daniel Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.CR CCMED
Sánchez Prieto, Ricardo Contact Asoc. PCyTA / UCLM CRIB
Sánchez Sánchez, Francisco Contact T.U. FMED.AB CTAGEN
Sancho Bielsa, Francisco Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.CR CCMED
Serrano Selva, Juan Pedro Contact T.U. FMED.AB PSICOL
Solano Pinto, Natalia Contact P.C.Dr.int. FEDU.TO PSICOL
Úbeda Bañón, Isabel María Contact P.C.Dr.int. FMED.CR CCMED
Vidal Roig, María Dolors Contact P.C.Dr.int FMED.CR CCMED


Human Pathology Research Team:

Name and Surname Email Categoría Center Department
Abizanda Soler, Pedro A Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/GERIATR
Alañón Fernández, Miguel A. Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/ORL
Beato Fernández, Luis Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/UTRALIM
Cascales Sánchez, Pedro Contact T.U. FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/CIRUG
Criado Álvarez, Juan José Contact Asoc.CCSS FCCSS.TA
de Cabo de la Vega, Carlos Contact Inv.SESCAM CHUA UICHUA
Domper Bardají, Francisco Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/CGDIG
Feo Brito, J. Francisco Contact T.U. FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/ALERG
Galindo Bonilla, Pedro
García Olmo, Dolores Contact Inv.SESCAM CHUA UICHUA
García Vicente, Ana María Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR
Giralt Muiña, Patricio Contact FEA HGUCR PEDIAT
Gómez Roldan, Carmen A. Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/NEFROL
Hernández Fernández, Francisco
Hernández Martínez, Antonio Contact Asoc.CCSS FENF.CR / HGUCR
Julián Jiménez, Agustín Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA
López-Torres Hidalgo, Jesús D. Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB CCMED/ATTPRIM
Lucendo Villarín, Alfredo Contact FEA HGTOM DIGEST
Martín Fernández, Jesús Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/CGDIG
Martínez Fernández, Asunción Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/ORL
Moreno Sanz, Carlos Contact FEA CHMC CGDIG
Ocaña Fernández, Alberto Contact Asoc.CCSS CHUA UICHUA
Padilla Valverde, David Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/CIRUG
Pardal Fernández, José Contact FEA CHUA NEUROFIS
Pérez Martínez, Juan Contact FEA CHUA NEFROL
Piqueras Flores, Jesús Contact
Redondo Calvo Fco. Javier Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/ANESTR
Rodríguez Almagro, Julian Contact Asoc.CCSS FENF.CR / HGUCR
Rodríguez Cano, Teresa Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/PSIQU
Rodríguez Padial, Luis Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA
Rozas Moreno, Pedro Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR ENDOCR
Ruiz Moreno, José María Contact C.U. FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/OFTAL
Salinas Sánchez, Antonio S. Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/UROL
Sánchez Moya, Ana Isabel Contact
Segura Martín, Tomás Contact T.U. FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/NEUROL
Solera Santos, José Javier Contact T.U. FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/MEDINT
Solís García del Pozo, Julián Eloy Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/MEDINT
Vaamonde Gamo, Julia Contact Asoc.CCSS FMED.CR / HGUCR CCMED/NEUROL
Virseda Rodríguez, Julio A. Contact T.U. FMED.AB / CHUA CCMED/UROL


Educational and Hospital centers:

  • Faculty of Medicine (Albacete Campus) [FMED.AB]. 

  • Faculty of Pharmacy (Albacete Campus) [FFARMA.AB]. 

  • School of Nursing (Albacete Campus) [FENF.AB] [FENF.AB].

  • Faculty of Medicine (Campus of Ciudad Real) [FMED.CR].

  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (Ciudad Real Campus) [FCCTQ.CR].

  • Faculty of Nursing (Ciudad Real Campus) [FENF.CR].

  • School of Agricultural Engineering (Ciudad Real Campus) [FENF.CR].

  • Faculty of Humanities (Toledo Campus) [FHUM.TO].

  • Faculty of Sports Sciences (Toledo Campus) [FHUM.TO].

  • Faculty of Health Sciences (Talavera Campus)]FCCSS.TA]].

  • Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Nursing (Talavera Campus) [FTOLENF.TA].

  • Faculty of Education (Toledo Campus) [FTOLENF.TA].

  • Faculty of Education (Toledo Campus) [FEDU.TO].

  • Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry (Toledo Campus) [FCCABQ.TO]. 

  • Albacete University Hospital Complex [CHUA].

  • Ciudad Real General University Hospital [HGUCR].

  • Complejo Hospitalario La Mancha-Center de Alcázar de San Juan [CHMC]. 

  • Tomelloso General Hospital [HGTOM].


University Departments’:

  • Agroforestry Science and Technology and Genetics [CTAGEN]. 

  • Medical Sciences [CCMED]. 

  • Nursing and Physiotherapy [ENFFIS]. 

  • Applied Physics [FISAPL].

  • Mathematics [MATEM].

  • Psychology [PSICOL].

  • Analytical Chemistry and Food Technology [QANTAL].

  • Physical Chemistry [QUIFIS].

  • Inorganic, Organic and Biochemical Chemistry [QIOBQ]. Chemistry and Biochemistry [QIOBQ].


Hospital Services or Specialties:

  • Allergology [ALERG].

  • Primary Care [ATPRIM].

  • Anesthesiology and Resuscitation [ANESTR].

  • Pathological Anatomy [APATOL].

  • General Surgery [CIRUG].

  • Digestive System [DIGEST].

  • Endocrinology [ENDOC].

  • Geriatric [GERIAT].

  • Gynecology and Obstetrician [GINOBS].

  • Internal Medicine [MEDINT].

  • Preventive Medicine [MEDPREV].

  • Nephrology [NEFROL].

  • Neurophysiology [NEUROFIS].

  • Neurology [NEUROL].

  • Obstetrician and Gynecology [OBSTGIN].

  • Ophthalmology [OFTALM].

  • Otorhinolaryngology [ORL].

  • Pediatrics [PEDIAT].

  • Psychiatry [PSIQU].

  • Radiodiagnosis [RADIOD].

  • Urology [UROL].

  • CHUA Research Unit [UICHUA]. 

  • Eating Disorders Unit [UTRALIM].


Abbreviations used for the professional category:

  • C.U: University Professor.

  • T.U: Full University Professor.

  • P.C.Dr: Contract Professor Doctorate.

  • P.C.DR.int: Interim Contract Professor.

  • Ay.Dr: Assistant Professor Doctor.

  • Ayud: Assistant Professor.

  • Asoc.: Associate Professor

  • Asoc.CCSS: Associate Professor in Health Sciences.

  • INCRECyT: Contract researcher prog. INCRECyT Parque Cientif. y Tecnol. de Albacete.

  • FEA: Area Specialist Physician

  • Inv.SESCAM. Contracted researcher SESCAM.


Training activities


The International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) organizes cross-disciplinary training courses with the aim of offering the doctorate student's complementary training activities to his/her activity as a researcher. The offered activities can be taught through their doctoral studies. To check for more information: Alumnos-Profesores : EID-UCLM TRANSVERSAL TRAINING



Activity Description


The presentation of research results and their dissemination, both to the specialized and general public, is one of the skills that doctoral students must acquire. Doctoral students will present their results periodically, approximately once a quarter (full time) or semester (part time), in the framework of seminars organized internally by the research groups or once a year (full time) or biennially (part time) in the framework of those organized by the participating institutions in which they carry out their daily work.

PRESENTATION OF RESULTS IN CONGRESSES Presentation of results at national and international congresses as a speaker (poster or oral presentation) presenting the partial results obtained.


Some of the activities mentioned above involve a certain degree of mobility, such as attendance at the venue of the different seminars, meetings, conferences or congresses referred to, with the considerations of temporality already referred to in the previous sections depending on the degree of dedication of the doctoral student. Additionally, short-term stays in Spanish or foreign laboratories of research groups, some of which are mentioned in the last block of section 5.2 of this Report, will be encouraged. Research stays in foreign centers with the intention of obtaining the International Doctorate Mention will be encouraged. In the latter case, and in accordance with Article 20 of the new UCLM doctoral regulations, the doctoral student must carry out a "minimum stay of three months outside Spain (or in periods of at least one month's duration totaling three months) in a higher education institution or research center of prestige, studying or carrying out research work". The estimated duration of a 3-month stay is 480 hours. The stay will take place from the second year of the pre-doctoral period, regardless of the student's full or part-time status. The realization of this activity will be adapted to the economic possibilities of the group in which the doctoral student finds himself/herself, to his/her motivation and to the needs of the research. Funds from the annual calls for research personnel (FPI, etc.) may be used, as well as funds from the University's own funds (Doctoral thesis grants from the ViceRectorate for Research and Science Policy, grants for stays from the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching Staff).


A series of training activities have been planned to be carried out by doctoral students, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on their profile, as detailed below for each activity. The specific duration of each of the activities is also detailed, although the timeframe for carrying them out is adapted to the dedication, full or part time, of the students following the program, as provided for in RD 99/2011. Thus, students of the program with full-time dedication must carry out and accredit these activities according to a 3-year plan, while those students with part-time dedication will follow a planning adapted to the 5-year term. In both cases, there is the possibility of extending these terms for 1 (full-time) or 2 (part-time) more years, and, exceptionally, an additional year in both types of dedication. This leads to maximum terms of 5 and 8 years for the performance of these activities by full-time or part-time students, respectively.

Access and admision
The minimum legal access requirements for admission to any type of doctoral programs are specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in this link.

Admission to the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences

The body in charge of verifying compliance with the above requirements and of making the selection and admission of students will be the Doctoral Academic Committee. This selection will be made according to the following specific criteria and their weighted valuation (%)



The admission on the PhD Program in Health Sciences might include the requirement of training courses at the Master's Degree Level



Master's Degree

For graduates in studies of at least 300 ECTS that do not include research training credits:

The process of elaboration and dissemination
of scientific knowledge.


Master Universitario en Biomedicina Experimental de la UCLM.

Documentation techniques and preparation of publications in applied psychology.


For graduates who have passed a minimum of 60 ECTS credits at master's degree level in subjects related to biomedicine or related fields:

The process of elaboration and dissemination of scientific knowledge.


Documentation techniques and preparation
of publications in applied psychology.




Specific procedures of the PhD program

Requirements for the admission of the doctoral program

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences established in its meeting of September 28, 2016 the following condition for the admission to process the doctoral thesis for students admitted since the academic year 2016-17: 

In order to present and defend the doctoral thesis it is necessary to have a publication, as first author, of the thesis topic in an indexed journal with impact index in JCR. Such publication should be accepted before the submission of the documentation for the defense of the thesis and should correspond to a period, at most, two years prior to the enrollment in the doctoral program. The Academic Committee may consider exceptional cases.

Access to the Doctoral Thesis by compendium of publications
Those students of the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences who are interested in this modality, may prepare a report to defend it before a Tribunal according to the usual regulations, provided that

  • They are the first authors of three publications, all of them within the same line of research.

  • They must be published within a maximum of five years between the first and the last one, at least one of which must have been published after enrollment in the doctoral program and carried out with the research group in which the doctoral student is enrolled.  

  • It is essential to provide a letter from all other authors renouncing the use of these publications for the same purpose

  • Of the three, one must be included in the first quartile of the impact index of the specialty and the other two, at least, in the second quartile. If this impact criterion is not met, it may be assessed by the Academic Committee of the Program at the request of the Thesis Director

  • The student must prepare a doctoral thesis report with the headings indicated in the basic and common guidelines in the doctoral programs of the University of Castilla-La Mancha for the presentation of the doctoral thesis in the format of a compendium of articles.


All the procedures will be carried out by the international doctoral school (EID-UCLM), except:

  • Registration and request for certifications and degrees: Student Management Unit of the student's Campus. 

  • Application for admission and thesis deposit: Secretary of the Department to which the student's tutor belongs.


Inquiries, suggestions, complaints and opinions

  • Coordinator: Mairena Martín López.
    Email: Mairena.Martin@uclm.es
    Phone: 926 295 300 (ext. 6603)
    Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Químicas. Edificio San Alberto Magno. Avenida de Camilo José Cela, 10. 13071 Ciudad Real.

  • Academic Secretary: Carmen Díaz Delgado.
    Email: Carmen.Diaz@uclm.es
    Phone: 967 599 200 (ext. 2932)
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina del Campus de Albacete. C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete.

  • del Mar Arroyo Jiménez.
    Email: MariaMar.Arroyo@uclm.es
    Phone: 967 599 200 (ext. 8249)
    Adress: Facultad de Farmacia. Edif. Polivalente. Campus Universitario. 02071 Albacete.

  • José Miguel Latorre Postigo.
    Email: Jose.Latorre@uclm.es
    Phone: 967 599 200 (ext. 2910)
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina del Campus de Albacete. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete.

  • Alino Martínez Marcos.
    Email: Alino.Martinez@uclm.es
    Phone: 926 295 300 (ext. 6690)
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina del Campus de Ciudad Real. Avda. Moledores s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real.

  • Begoña Polonio López.
    Email: Begona.Polonio@uclm.es
    Phone: 902 204 100 (ext. 5623)
    Adress: Facultad de Terapia Ocupacional, Logopedia y Enfermería. Avda. Real Fábrica de Sedas, s/n. 45600 Talavera de la Reina (Toledo).

  • José Javier Solera Santos.
    Email: JoseJavier.Solera@uclm.es
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina del Campus de Albacete. C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete.

  • Julio Escribano Martínez.
    Email: Julio.Escribano@uclm.es
    Phone: 967 599 200 (ext. 2928)
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina del Campus de Albacete. C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete.

  • Francisco Feo Brito.
    Email: Francisco.Feo@uclm.es
    Phone: Teléfono: 926 295 300 (ext. 6843)
    Adress: Facultad de Medicina de Ciudad Real. Edificio Polivalente. Camino de Moledores s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real.


In each doctoral program, a Quality Assurance Committee will be constituted, composed of the following members: 

  • The Program Coordinator, who will act as the President of the Committee.

  • Two researchers that develop their activities inside the program. One of these researchers will act as the Secretary.

  • A doctoral student from the doctoral program.

  • A member of the administration and services staff.

  • Optionally, a representative of the entities or companies with which a collaboration agreement has been established may be included.

In the case of the Health Sciences PhD Program, this Committee is formed by the following people: 

  • MAIRENA MARTÍN LOPEZ: Program Coordinator.

  • Two researchers: JOSÉ LUIS ALBASANZ HERRERO (Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real) acting as the Secretary and JUAN LLOPIS BORRÁS (Faculty of Medicine, Albacete). 

  • A doctorate student: MARTA RODRIGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ from the Talavera de la Reina School of Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Nursing.

  • A member of the administration and services staff: ÁNGELES VALVERDE CATALÁN (Secretary from the Medical Sciences’ Department)

The Internal Quality Assurance Committee will meet at least twice a year and will develop the following functions:

  • Analyze the results of the procedures that compose the SGICPD.

  • Create the Annual Improvement Plan and the Annual Monitoring Report for the Program. 

  • To submit the above documents to the Steering Committee of the International Doctoral School for its approval. 

  • Any other duties assigned to it by this document or by the procedures for its development.


Several procedures are defined within the Quality Assurance Committee for the program: 


To ensure transparency and accountability to the agents interested in the Doctoral Program, it will have an institutional web page in which at least the following information will appear: 

  • Professors.

  • Material resources and services available to the program.

  • Regulations.

  • Mobility programs related to the publication of calls for applications, selection criteria and publication of resolutions. 

  • Results indicators.


In order to collect information on the state of satisfaction of the different groups involved in the program, a series of specific opinion surveys will be carried out for each of them (professors, doctoral students, and administrative and service personnel). The surveys will be carried out annually, coinciding with the end of the academic year.




2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20


Total amount of 
defended theses.
  4 20 18 28 18 21    
- Full-time.   3 16 13 20 7 10    
- Part-time.   1 4 5 8 11 11    
Fee for "International Doctorate" mention.   0,00% 5,00% 5,56% 7,14% 11,11% 14,29%    
Average full-time duration.   1,17 1,59 1,95 2,37 3,61 3,04    
Average part-time duration.   0,98 1,55 1,66 3,08 3,31 3,97    
/Droupout rate.
  4,88% 10,98% 5,69% 25,70% 18,46% 15,10%    
Success rate (<=3 years) t/c 36,36% 26,67% 42,42% 8,57% 18,18% 3,03% 0,00%    
Success rate (>3 years) t/c 13,64% 30,00% 21,21% 14,29% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%    
Success rate (<=5 years) t/p 45,83% 30,43% 35,85% 22,22% 16,67% 0,00% 0,00%    
Success rate (>5 years) t/p 12,50% 2,17% 5,66% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%