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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Interuniversity Doctorate in Philosophy.

Arte y Humanidades
Icono de la rama del estudio
Academic Commission


  • Dr. Vicente Serrano Marín (Universidad de Murcia).


  • Dr. Ángel Manuel Faerna García-Bermejo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
  • Dr. José Javier Benéitez Pruedencio (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
  • Dr. Domingo Fernández Agis (Universidad de La Laguna).
  • Dr. José Antonio García Lorente (Universidad de Murcia).
  • Dra. Ana García Varas (Universidad de Zaragoza).
  • Dr. Juan Carlos León Sánchez (Universidad de Murcia).
  • Dr. Manuel Liz Gutiérrez (Universidad de La Laguna).
  • Dra. Elena Nájera Pérez (Universidad de Alicante).
  • Dr. José María Muñoz Terrón (Universidad de Almería).
  • Dr. Salvador Rubio Marco (Universidad de Murcia).
  • Dra. Margarita Vázquez Campos (Universidad de La Laguna).


General Information

The Inter-University Doctoral Program in Philosophy is developed jointly by six Spanish universities (University of Alicante, University of Almeria, University of Castilla-La Mancha, University of La Laguna, University of Murcia and University of Zaragoza) and offers advanced training in philosophical research, culminating in the preparation and defense of a Doctoral Thesis.

The objectives and general design of the Program are included in the Verified Report below, in the section "Verification, modification and follow-up reports", together with other documents that inform about its evolution since it was implemented. Currently, the Program has thirteen lines of research grouped into four teams:

  • Team 1: "Aesthetics and theory of the arts" (lines 1 to 3).
  • Team 2: "Philosophy" (lines 4 to 7).
  • Team 3: "Moral and political philosophy" (lines 8 to 10).
  • Team 4: "Logic and philosophy of science" (lines 11 to 13).


The complete list of research lines, together with the list of professors assigned to each of them in the six universities, can be consulted in the following document.


The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines
You can find all the updated information in Spanish on the research lines of the doctoral program at the following link.
You can find all the information about the faculty and the research lines of the program in the following link.
Training activities


During their stay on the Programme, students must carry out a series of regulated training activities, the objectives of which are:

  1. To offer concepts, methods and strategies that allow for the development of original and quality philosophical research.
  2. To facilitate research aimed at the documented and rigorous preparation of research papers.
  3. To develop research work and the doctoral thesis in writing in a logical and organised manner.
  4. To provide adequate strategies for communication with the national and international philosophical community.

The following activities are compulsory:

A. INTER-UNIVERSITY SEMINAR FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS: It is compulsory to participate in at least two editions, one as an assistant and the other as a speaker, both in the first three years of tenure (in the first five years in the case of part-time students). The Seminar is held annually in the second four-month period of each academic year and the sessions are held online between all the universities.

B. DOCTORAL CONFERENCES: It is compulsory to participate in at least two editions of the UCLM Doctoral Conferences. Participation in other congresses or conferences of a similar nature, organised outside the UCLM, may be recognised for the same purposes at the proposal of the corresponding tutor.



In the case of C and D, the completion of any of the courses related to these subjects offered annually in the Transversal Training Plan of the EID-UCLM, as well as those of the G-9 Training Plan for Doctoral Students, will be counted for the purposes of these activities.


These are voluntary activities:


F. STAY IN A FOREIGN RESEARCH CENTRE: The stay must be in person, and its duration and the fulfilment of its objectives must be duly accredited. This activity is only compulsory if you wish to apply for the International Doctorate, in which case the minimum duration is 3 months.

Students may record in the Register of Activities and Research Plan (RAPI) any other training activity oriented towards objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4, provided that it is duly certified and validated by the corresponding tutor.

Access and admision
The minimum legal requirements for admission to any of the doctoral programs are those specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in this link.

Given the transdisciplinary nature of philosophical studies, the Program allows the development of research associated with other areas of scientific and humanistic knowledge, as long as they clearly fit into one of the lines of research offered and the researcher responds to one of the access profiles established in the Verified Report, which are the following:
  • Profile 1: graduates in Philosophy who have completed a university master's degree in Philosophy.
  • Profile 2: graduates in any branch of knowledge who have completed a university master's degree in Philosophy.
  • Profile 3: graduates in Philosophy or Humanities who have completed a Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (specializing in Philosophy); access through this profile may require the completion of additional training if, in the opinion of the Academic Committee, the research topic of the doctoral student so advises.
  • Profile 4: graduates or master's degree holders in other branches of knowledge, provided that the chosen line of research is consistent with the academic and research training received in the undergraduate and/or master's degree, access through this profile requires in any case the completion of complementary training.


The minimum compulsory complementary training for those who access by profile 4 -and for those who, accessing by profile 3, are also required in the opinion of the Academic Committee- are a minimum of 3 credits and a maximum of 9. The minimum compulsory is obtained by taking the subject "Philosophical research: procedures and methodology" (3 credits) of the Master's Degree in Research in Philosophy taught jointly by the University of La Laguna, the University of Murcia and the University of Zaragoza. The remaining 6 credits, of a non-obligatory nature, can be obtained by taking any of the other subjects of the same Master (the one that in each case is more appropriate to the research topic of the doctoral student).

The subjects and teaching guides of the aforementioned Master's Degree in Research in Philosophy are available at the following link.

In the case of doctoral students from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Academic Committee of the Program will carry out the appropriate procedures so that they can formalize an extracurricular enrollment in the corresponding subject/s without the need to enroll in the entire Master's Degree.

Specific procedures of the PhD program

Admission to the Program consists of two phases: a) pre-enrollment and b) admission.

Pre-registration is processed exclusively through the International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) through the administrative procedure that it has regulated, without the Academic Committee of the Program intervening in this phase of the process. The pre-enrollment deadlines, as well as all the information related to the general admission and enrollment regulations, application forms, required documentation, contact channels, etc., can be consulted on its website. Once the pre-enrollment application has been submitted through this channel, and if it meets the general admission requirements, the EID-UCLM will inform the applicant and will transfer the file to the Academic Committee of the Program so that it can decide on admission.

Admission is made in view of the applicant's access profile and the research project described in the Application Form (one of the documents required in the pre-enrollment process). The Academic Committee will evaluate whether the project is viable within the framework of the Program and, if so, will confirm admission and designate the professor who will act as tutor for the doctoral student (the function of tutor is not equivalent to that of thesis supervisor, although they may coincide in the same person).

The name and signature of the thesis advisor proposed by the applicant must be included in the above-mentioned Written Submission. Without this endorsement, admission to the Program will not be possible. Therefore, prior to pre-registration, the future doctoral student must have contacted the professor of the Program that he/she considers most appropriate to endorse him/her and direct his/her research. In the list of professors, the university of assignment is indicated, so that the contact details of each professor can be found in the corresponding directories. Their more specific fields of work within the line/s of research in which they are framed can be consulted in databases such as Google Scholar, Dialnet, Academia.edu and similar, in order to more easily identify those who could be suitable for the project to be developed.

The Doctoral Quality Assurance Committee (CACD) is unique for the entire interuniversity program. It is constituted by the members of the Academic Committee, plus an external member and two students of the program. The details of the Quality Assurance System are described in this link:
Sistema de Garantía de Calidad - Portal de Estudios (um.es) 



Adequacy of the offer

Percentage of newly enrolled students over places offered.

 Percentage of doctoral students from other Spanish universities.
Number of applications for admission to the doctoral program. 
Number of new doctoral students. 
Total number of doctoral students enrolled.

Degree of satisfaction of the groups involved in the doctoral programs.

Degree of satisfaction of enrolled doctoral students.

 Degree of satisfaction of professors and researchers.
 Degree of satisfaction of external collaborating institutions.
 Degree of satisfaction of the administrative and service staff.
 Degree of satisfaction of doctoral students participating in mobility programs.
Degree of satisfaction of graduates.

Degree of Internationalization.

Percentage of doctoral students from foreign universities.

 Number of international collaboration agreements signed.
 Number of joint scientific contributions made with foreign researchers.
 No. of foreign experts participating in the doctoral program or in the evaluation of theses.
Percentage of theses with international mention and/or co-supervision over theses read.


Number of professors participating in mobility programs.
Participation rate of doctoral students in mobility programs.


Percentage of faculty members with active six-year or equivalent periods.

Assessment of the scientific activity and its results.

Dropout rate.

Rate of theses read in three years, for full-time students. 
Rate of theses read in four years, for full-time students. 
Rate of theses read in five years, for part-time students.
Number of scientific contributions made by doctoral students in their theses.
No. of extraordinary doctoral awards received by doctoral students in the program.
No. of theses read per academic year.
Percentage of theses qualified as "Cum Laude".
Percentage of doctoral students who obtain grants for post-doctoral contracts.
Employability. Rate of doctoral students who obtain employment appropriate to their training during the 3 years following the defense of the thesis.