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Academic Commission


General Information

The Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies (DTIA) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) provides advanced and rigorous research training, which is adapted to the needs of society, in various fields of Information and Communication Technologies after undergraduate and master's degree studies.

The Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha aims to be a benchmark in the training of highly qualified researchers.

The main axis of the program is a quality multidisciplinary training supported by the research groups of the Department of Computer Systems (School of Computer Engineering of Albacete) and the Department of Information Technologies and Systems (School of Computer Science of Ciudad Real) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, reinforced by two research institutes on each campus (Institute of Computer Science Research of Albacete and Institute of Information Technologies and Systems of Ciudad Real), which allow projecting research and innovation to the social and industrial development of the region.

The Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha offers a stimulating environment, with adequate means, which enables the acquisition of specialized knowledge, its discussion in international forums and the progressive maturity of the doctoral student as a researcher or as a specialized and innovative professional. The objective is to maintain an updated, specialized proposal, with a great follow-up and attractive to students interested in advanced and rigorous research training in the area of advanced information technologies. The program is based on the research quality and technology transfer capacity of the faculty involved. On this basis, the objective of the program is to consolidate itself as a doctoral program of national and international reference in the areas considered.

The Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies is a fundamental part of the I+D+I strategy of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, being part of the program of the International Doctoral School of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (EID-UCLM). It was attached to the EID-UCLM since its creation as one of the UCLM's own programs that received the Mention towards Excellence according to Resolution of October 6, 2011, of the General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Education.


The Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha has its origin in a doctoral program taught for the first time during the 1995/96 academic year and common to the current Department of Computer Systems and the Department of Information Technologies and Systems of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This doctoral program was born on the basis of an agreement signed with the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, by its Spanish acronym) for the teaching of a doctoral program of the UPV in Castilla-La Mancha, with PhD professors from the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

This agreement was in force until the 1998/99 academic year, when the then Department of Computer Science of the University of Castilla-La Mancha already had a sufficient number of PhDs to successfully implement its own program. Nevertheless, it continued to count on prestigious visiting professors, such as Enrique Castillo, María Felisa Verdejo, Juan Antonio de la Puente, Isidro Ramos and José Duato, all of them University Full Professors of notable prestige in the field of Computer Science. Although the program arose from the urgent need to train PhDs in Computer Science at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, and therefore in its origins it had a generalist character, in the proposal for the 2003/2005 biennium a more thoughtful program was proposed. The program was called "Architecture and Management of Information and Knowledge in Networked Systems" and, since its inception in the academic year 2003/2004, it has been awarded the Mention of Quality by the Ministry of Education (ref. MCD2003-00768).

Since the 2006-2007 academic year (Royal Decree RD56/2005), the doctoral program has been renamed as the Doctoral Program in “Advanced Computing Technologies”, again obtaining the Ministerial Mention of Quality (ref. MCD2006-00423). The training period of this doctoral program is structured around the Master's degree in Advanced Computing Technologies (ref. MO2006-00197), regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007 and positively verified through the abbreviated procedure (resolution 29/06/2009). The current Doctoral Program in “Advanced Computing Technologies” received in October 2011 the Mention of Excellence by the Ministry of Education (ref. MEE2011-0177). This program was extinguished on February, 2016.

From the academic year 2014-1015 (Royal Decree 99/2011) a new doctoral programme adapted to the EHEA was implemented, taking into account the State, Autonomous Community and UCLM regulations (https://www.uclm.es/Misiones/LaUCLM/ConsejoDeDireccion/VIPC/Normativa). This programme maintains the same name as the previous one, i.e., "Doctoral Programme in Advanced Computing Technologies".


Justification of the need for the program.

In the last years, certain knowledge areas such as Computer Science have achieved a huge development in our country. Different research groups have been developed, achieving excellent competitive position in the international arena. In addition, the object of research in these disciplines has naturally converged towards what is known as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICTs are currently one of the fundamental pillars for scientific and technological development. Our society faces the challenge of responding to the growing demand for highly qualified researchers and innovative professionals in the fields of computer science, electronics and telecommunications. This difficulty is compounded by the rapid evolution of the knowledge and skills required in this field.

The PhD Program in Advanced Computing Technologies of the University of Castilla-La Mancha responds to these challenges with the articulation of a quality program that covers a broad spectrum within the areas of knowledge that make up the scientific and technological field of computer science. The wide specialization offer provided by the represented research groups facilitates the student the design of an enriching curriculum with the goal of training researchers with a solid education but also with a dynamic and open profile, ultimately able to respond to the changing needs of a technologically advanced society. The DTIA PhD program benefits from the means and infrastructures provided by the International Campus of Excellence CYTEMA (Scientific and Technological Campus of Energy and Environment: https://www.uclm.es/noticias/2017/enero/albacete/elcytemaobtienelacalifica_13587

The research activity of the field in Computer Science is growing at national and international level, this is perfectly accredited if we consider the priority lines of I+D+i at European, national and regional level. Within the program ‘2020 Horizon’, ICT plays a crucial role in fostering innovation, creativity and competitiveness in industry and all service sectors. This is projected both in the National I+D+i Plan and in the Regional Plan of Castilla-La Mancha. This scientific interest in ICTs shown by the various administrations is reflected in the activity of research groups, with those related to Computer Science being among the most active at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This is supported, among others, by the number of research projects in Computer Science funded in competitive public calls, and by the agreements and contracts signed with companies in recent years.

In relation to the outlets for students who obtain this doctoral degree, we must point out that our experience is that a significant part of them have consolidated as researchers in Universities and other public research institutions (both Spanish and foreign). Currently the panorama is changing and more and more students of this PhD program are finding a job in private companies and technology centers. More generally, we note that, according to the "Study on the situation of ICT in companies in Castilla-La Mancha 2008", conducted by the Directorate General for the Information Society of the Ministry of Industry and Information Society of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM), more than 45% of companies with more than 50 employees and more than 30% in companies with between 10 and 49 employees consider the recruitment of qualified technical personnel in Computer Science as a medium or high priority.

This Doctorate in Advanced Computing Technologies involves groups of recognized prestige from the Department of Computer Systems and the Department of Information Technologies and Systems of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, which gives it the critical size it needs to become a national reference in this strategic area. These groups are integrated in university research institutes and structures.

The proposed program is aimed at training research personnel in the framework of new computer technologies, thus covering the main aspects related to the design, configuration, operation and implementation of this type of systems. The program trains specialists in the most interesting fields of computer science. In the list of subjects and lines of research that make up the program, the most important aspects of advanced computer systems are addressed, both in relation to aspects oriented to the management of information and knowledge as well as those more directly related to the architecture or configuration of computer systems.

Links of interests about the Ph.D. Program.



The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines

The PhD Program in Advanced Computing Technologies by the University of Castilla-La Mancha it´s composed by ten research groups which show the huge potential of four important areas of research in Computer Science:

  • Architecture, Networks and Services for Computing Systems.
  • Software and Software Engineering.
  • Advanced Computational Intelligence.
  • Information Systems & User-Centered Computing.

In turn, the ten research teams present the following twenty-five lines of research. See the "Professors" section for the professors associated with the lines of research:

Research in Advanced Computer Science

Research Team

Research Line

Architectures, Networks and Services for Computing Systems

System architecture for high performance computing.

System architecture for high performance computing.

High-performance interconnection networks.

High-performance interconnection networks.

Networks and sensors: standards and applications for the Internet of the future.

IoT in Smart Cities.

Management and resources in Cloud Infrastructures for IoT.

New standards and applications for Industry 4.0.

Performance-based navigation for aircraft.

Software and Software Engineering



Software Engineering

Development of techniques, models and mechanisms for software testing.

Development of techniques, models and mechanisms for software evolution.

Application of new paradigms and technologies to improve software and business processes.

Green in Software Engineering.

Quantum Software Engineering.

Concurrent and real-time systems.

Concurrent and real-time systems.

Advanced Computational Intelligence




Advanced Computational Intelligence


Data science and machine learning.

Intelligent systems: Development and applications.

Probabilistic graphical models.

Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms.

Autonomous robotics.

Artificial vision and pattern recognition.

Declarative technologies for the design and development of languages, environments, tools and applications based on fuzzy logic.



Intelligent Systems

Development of intelligent models and applications based on soft computing techniques, in particular those related to fuzzy logic.

Multi-agent systems and applied intelligence.

Intelligent optimization of the non-interactive rendering process by means of multi-agent systems.

Information Systems & User-Centered Computing

Quality, security and sustainability in information systems.

Quality, security and sustainability in information systems.

Design of new generation user interfaces.

Design of new generation user interfaces.

Interactive and collaborative systems engineering.

Interactive and collaborative systems engineering.



There are 97 professors and researchers involved in this Ph.D. Program:

  • 36 have the category of Full Professor.
  • 53 are Associate University Professors (4 of them with the National Accreditation for the Corps of Full Professors).
  • 5 are hired doctoral candidates, of which 3 are interim (all of them with the National Accreditation for the Corps of Associate Professors).
  • 1 Assistant Doctor.
  • 1 Researcher of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System (SECTI).

All the professors and researchers belonging to the Program have an active six-year term, except for 1 who, due to their academic category, have not been able to apply for it yet, but have the accreditation of equivalent research experience.

Training activities




The International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) organizes cross-disciplinary training courses with the aim of offering the doctorate students’ complementary training activities to his or her activity as a researcher. The offered activities can be taught through their doctoral studies.

To check for more information: 





  • Name of the activity:Bayesian Analysis
    Speaker: Dr. Richard Torkar (Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg)
    Date: November 2022














Cross-curricular training activities.


Students of the Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies at the UCLM will participate in the offer of cross-curricular training activities organized by both the International Doctoral School of the UCLM and the doctoral program itself. The transversal training activities will be compulsory for both part-time and full-time students. The student will space them in a homogeneous way throughout their stay in the doctoral program.

The skills to be acquired through the transversal training activities are of the following type:

  • Scientific communication skills (writing scientific articles; oral expression and argumentation; etc.).
  • Informational skills (citations and impact; evaluation of research activity; open scientific publication; calls for research grants; transfer of research results, etc.).


Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate an adequate use of methodological and practical resources in the search for scientific information, in the collection, processing and analysis of data and in the presentation of the results.
  • Formulate questions, issue opinions and contrast value judgments to research results obtained by other researchers.
  • Express written conclusions related to the dissertations attended.






Elaboration of papers for Doctoral Conferences (UCLM Doctoral Days).


The University of Castilla-La Mancha organizes every year a Doctoral Conference of the UCLM. The student of the Doctoral Program in Advanced Computing Technologies [AM1]will attend these conferences during their last year and will present their research results in the form of a poster.

Training activities:

  • Training in scientific writing.
  • Training in poster elaboration.
  • Training in scientific paper defense.


Learning outcomes:

  • To be able to discuss and exchange experiences and results and to express conclusions related to the research carried out by the student or other participants at the conferences.









Elaboration and development of research papers for national and international conferences.


The conference should preferably be of high prestige in the student's field of research and of international character. For these conferences, the student will elaborate a scientific contribution (oral or poster) that demonstrates how he/she has learned to develop and present its research with the help and supervision of his/her director. In any case, at least two such activities will be mandatory during the completion of the doctoral thesis. For both part-time and full-time students it is reasonable to think that these two activities will be carried out in the second and/or third of their doctoral studies.

Training activities

  • Training in scientific writing.
  • Training in poster elaboration.
  • Training in scientific paper defense.

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize, communicate and discuss new and complex ideas through the preparation of a manuscript that can be published in a national or international congress.
  • Disseminate results at national and international level.
  • Demonstrate communication and discussion skills.
  • Exchange results and contrast opinions and judgments with other researchers.






National or international pre-doctoral stay.


The International Doctoral School of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (EID-UCLM) will encourage that most of the theses presented in the affiliated doctoral programs have the International Mention, which implies the completion of at least one stay of at least 3 months in a foreign research center. However, it will also be possible to carry out pre-doctoral stays in national territory, when it is considered that the host research team is relevant to the student's field of research. A full-time student will carry out the stays in periods of no less than 3 months, while a part-time student may divide his or her stays into periods of one month.

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate ability to integrate and work in other groups.
  • Exchange knowledge and research results.
  • Express yourself in another language.








Writing scientific articles.


The journal should preferably be of high prestige in the student's field of research and of international character. For these journals the student will elaborate a written scientific contribution, demonstrating that he/she has learned to develop and motivate research work with the help and supervision of his/her thesis director. This type of activity will be optional, although it will be highly valued, during the completion of the doctoral thesis. For both part-time and full-time students it is reasonable to think that this activity will take place in the third third of their doctoral studies.

Training activities:

  • Training in scientific writing.
  • Journal selection training.
  • Training in bibliographic search.

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize, communicate and discuss new and complex ideas through the preparation of a manuscript, publishable in a national or international journal.
  • Disseminate results at national and international level.
  • Demonstrate written communication skills.


Access and admision

Access Requirements.

The minimum legal access requirements for admission to any type of doctoral programs are specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in this link.


The recommended admission profile to the PhD Program in Advanced Computing Technologies is provided by:

  1. Previous official training of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in areas of Science, Engineering and/or Computer Technologies.
  2. Engineering and Bachelor's Degrees in areas of Science, Engineering and/or Computer Technologies, according to the Establishment of equivalences of official Spanish degrees prior to Royal Decree 1393/2007, for the purpose of access to official Doctoral studies, regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011 (Agreement of the Governing Council of May 28, 2014). In addition, given the multidisciplinary nature of the research lines of this program, an alternative profile can be considered:
  3. Previous official training at Master's level in other fields of Science and Engineering: Telecommunication Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Physics or Mathematics.

In this case, the Academic Committee of the program will determine the affinity degree of the training and previous experience provided with the program's research lines, and, if necessary, may establish training complements (up to 12 credits among the subjects of the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering (MUII) taught at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This master's degree is taught in two centers, the School of Computer Science in Ciudad Real and Albacete. The syllabuses are available at:



In accordance with the established in Article 7 of RD 99/2011 regulating official doctoral studies, as well as Article 8 of the Regulations of the Doctoral Studies of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Academic Committee of the DTIA Program approves the following admission criteria:

  1. Profile and suitability. The suitability of the studies that allow access to the third cycle, and especially in relation with the lines of research of the Doctoral Program, will be evaluated. Students who access with the recommended profile will obtain the maximum score in this subsection. Up to a maximum of 5 points.

  2. Curriculum vitae. Up to a maximum of 5 points, which may be obtained through the following sub-criteria:
    1. Academic record (average grade). A range between 0 and 3 will be established, being 0 the score corresponding to the minimum grade required to pass the bachelor's and master's degree studies, and 3 the score corresponding to the maximum grade that can be achieved. Up to 3 points.
    2. Previous experience in research and teaching related to the research lines of the Doctoral Program. Up to 1 point.
    3. Previous professional experience related to the research lines of the Doctoral Program. Up to 1 point.
    4. Previous unofficial training related to the research lines of the Doctoral Program will be valued. Up to 1 point.
    5. Knowledge of the English language. The accreditation of a level of knowledge of English higher than B1 or equivalent will be valued. Up to 1 point.


Admission to the program will require a minimum score of 5 points. Candidates will be admitted in order of score, from highest to lowest, until the quota is completed. In case of a tie between applicants, an interview will be held with them, by at least two Academic Committee members of the Doctoral Program, to assess academic aspects and additional criteria (double degrees, participation in research projects, teaching or research stays in other universities different from those of origin, etc.)

Specific procedures of the PhD program

All the procedures will be carried out by the international doctoral school (EID-UCLM), except:

  • Registration and request for certifications and degrees: Student Management Unit of the student's Campus.
  • Application for admission and thesis deposit: Secretary of the Department to which the student's tutor belongs.



The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will be applied, which can be consulted at the following link: 

On the other hand, the following Agreement of the Academic Commission will be taken into account, by which the criteria on the contributions required to admit a thesis in the compendium modality are modified.


The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will be applied, which can be consulted at the following link: Cotutelle (uclm.es)


The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will be applied, which can be consulted at the following link: Administrative Procedures : INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE MENTION IN DOCTORAL DEGREE (uclm.es)



The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will apply, which can be consulted at the following link: Administrative Procedures : Industrial Doctorate (uclm.es)


Inquiries, suggestions, complaints and opinions:

María Blanca Caminero Herráez
Email: MariaBlanca.Caminero@uclm.es 
Phone number: (+34) 926 053 429 
E. S. Ingeniería Informática de Albacete. Campus Universitario de Albacete, s/n. 02071 Albacete (España).

Ana Isabel Molina Díaz
Email: anaisabel.molina@uclm.es 
Phone number: (+34) 926 051 951
E. S. Informática de Ciudad Real. Paseo de la Universidad, 4. 13071 Ciudad Real (España).


In each doctoral program, a Quality Assurance Committee will be constituted, composed of the following members:

  • The Program Coordinator, who will act as the President of the Committee: Dr. Luis Rodríguez Benítez
    Assistant to the coordinator at the Albacete campus: Dra. Dª María Blanca Caminero Herráez
  • Two researchers that develop their activities inside the program. One of these researchers will act as the Secretary: Dr. D. Luis Orozco Barbosa y Dr. D. Ignacio García Rodriguez de Guzmán (Secretary).
  • A doctoral student from the doctoral program: Dª. Laura Villa Fernández-Arroyo. 
  • A member of the administration and services staff: D. Juan Miguel López Nava.
  • Optionally, a representative of the entities or companies with which a collaboration agreement has been established may be included.


The Internal Quality Assurance Committee will meet at least twice a year and will develop the following functions:

  • Analyze the results of the procedures that compose the Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Programmes.
  • Create the Annual Improvement Plan and the Annual Monitoring Report for the Program.
  • To submit the above documents to the Steering Committee of the International Doctoral School for its approval.
  • Any other duties assigned to it by this document or by the procedures for its development.


  2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19  2019-20 2021-21   2021-22
Total number of defended theses.   0 7 7 6 11 15    
-     Full-time.   0 6 7 6 11 10    
-      Part-time.   0 1 0 0 0 5    
Fee for "International Doctorate" mention.     28,57% 85,71% 66,67% 54,55% 40,00%    
Average duration full-time.     1,48 1,55 2,00 3,10 3,73    
Average duration part-time.     0,67       3,85    
Dropout/ Abandonment Rate.     5,56% 14,63% 5,48% 6,58% 6,82%    
Success Rate (<=3 years) t/c.   53,33% 54,55% 27,78% 20,00% 0,00% 0,00%    
Success Rate (>3 years) t/c.   33,33% 31,82% 22,22% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%    
Success Rate (<=5 years) t/p.   33,33% 28,57% 16,67% 10,00% 0,00% 0,00%    
Success Rate (>5 years) t/p.   0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%