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CLM is committed to improving its Human Resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

By signing the Declaration of Commitment in February 2018, UCLM took the first step to start developing a human resources strategy based on the principles set out in the European Charter and Code. A working group was set up comprising representatives from the university's governing bodies: Rectorate, Management and several Vice-Rectorates (Research and Science Policy, Economics and Planning, Teaching Staff, Internationalisation and Lifelong Learning, Teaching, Transfer and Innovation), as well as from different UCLM units and services (Research, Library, Human Resources, PhD), together with PDI and PI with different levels of research experience (R1 to R4) attached to various centres and departments from all branches of knowledge, to ensure maximum representativeness. The aim of this working group was to carry out an internal analysis, receiving information from the researchers themselves by means of a survey. Once this analysis had been carried out, a series of actions were proposed to ensure continuous improvement, and these were set out in the Action Plan. The application for the seal was sent by the UCLM to the European Commission in early December 2018 and was approved by the EC in January 2019. In October of the same year, UCLM officially presented the HRS4R Strategy Action Plan to its research, teaching and management community.


The UCLM is currently implementing the Strategic Governance Plan 2021 - 2024, which broadens and deepens the lines of work and commitments acquired by the institution in terms of Human Resources policies, among other areas.


Action Plan 2028

Interim Assessment and Action Plan updated 2021

Strategic Governance Plan 2021 - 2024




Useful links:


Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) on the European Commission website

Explanatory video on the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), by ESHorizon2020.