Here you can find a selection of some of the publications that are not necessarily linked exclusively to one of our exhibitions and that have been produced by MIDECIANT or that provide content about our work. Some of the writings are located in the MIDECIANT editorial project: Media Art Notebooks (CMA).

This editorial project assumes the educational and investigative role that corresponds to MIDECIANT, making the archive-museum and its contents visible. It allows us to disseminate collections, authors and works of Media Art, with the aim of tracing genealogies and contributing to the construction of an archeology of these practices. This proposal is supported by the trajectory of MIDECIANT and by the curriculum of the research specialists, involved in numerous of our projects throughout its history.

In Spain there are no specific publications on this field, so this collection will contribute to building the story of Media Art History, its cartographies, the memory of these works and collections that are contributing to weaving a story that has yet to be formed. Digital and Multimedia Works produced in the MIDECIANT laboratories and workshops. 1994-2010. Intangible Art Collection, José Ramón Alcalá.

Approaches to Experimental Visual Poetry in the MIDE-CIANT Collections
Transmission and Distance: Unveiling Artistic Fax Collaboration and Circulation of Images, Beatriz Escribano
The Happy Misfits: An Autobiographical Novel by Marcel Demeulenaere, A Brilliand Flemish Inventor
Scanography: An Approach to its Genesis and Validity, Javier Ariza
Musealization, historicization and dissemination of Media Art. Experiences and problems, José Ramón Alcalá
Imagining The Radio: Ramón Gómez de la Serna and The Radio Media, Javier Ariza
Medialab Madrid 2002-2006. Participatory culture and social activism in Madrid, Raquel Caerols
Transmutations of The Body as Projected Sound, Javier Ariza
International Museum of Electrography Cuenca Center for Innovation in Art and New Technologies, José Ramón Alcalá y Beatriz Escribano Belmar
Digital Narratives at The MIDE. A Case Study: Sotos, an Interactive Multimedia Creation from Fred Adam*, José Ramón Alcalá
Musealization of contemporary artistic practices. Collections and files: new strategies for its management, promotion and dissemination, José Ramón Alcalá
Processes: The Artist and the Machine. Reflections on the historical Media Art, Beatriz Escribano Belmar
Digital and Multimedia Works produced in the MIDECIANT laboratories and workshops. 1994-2010. Intangible Art Collection, José Ramón Alcalá