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Convocatoria de plazas Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH).

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Convocatoria de plazas Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH).


Solicitudes hasta el 7 de marzo. Se trata de una excelente oportunidad para conocer gente y culturas nuevas, perfeccionar lenguas extranjeras e intercambiar y compartir conocimientos.


Applications are now open for EMMaH

You can now apply to the next cohort of Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH). This is an innovative ERASMUS Mundus Master programme that brings together four different cultures and institutions in a unique learning environment.

The Euro-Asian Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH) provides a rich and differentiated learning environment in four international institutions. Each semester will be held in a different country adding a multicultural approach to day-to-day living and academic experience and learning to the student's careers.

This Master's is funded by the ERASMUS Mundus programme and features a partnership between the School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto, the University of Lille (France), the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) making it a distinct study cycle.

Students can now present their application to this programme. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and new cultures, perfect foreign languages, exchange and share knowledge, and so much more.

Applications are open until March 7th.

