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Prof. Emilio Gómez-Lázaro will supervise the Special Issue "Modeling of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms" for the journal Energies

Special Issue in journal "Energies" supervised by Prof. E. Gómez-Lázaro

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Special Issue in journal "Energies" supervised by Prof. E. Gómez-Lázaro


The journal Energies has opened the manuscript submissions for the Special Issue "Modeling of Wind Turbines and Wind Farms", which will be supervised by Prof. Emilio Gómez-Lázaro, director of the IER and the Wind Energy and Power Systems section. This Special Issue aims to present solutions to the problems related with the integration of wind energy into power systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Detailed WT and WPP models
  • Simplified WT and WPP models
  • Model validation
  • Transient stability studies
  • Wind integration studies
  • New control strategies
  • Ancillary services
  • Real time WT and WPP models
  • IEC 61400-27 and WECC model assessment
  • Grid code requirements


The deadline for manuscript submissions is 8 December 2018. More information can be found in the Special Issue webpage.
