MIDECIANT is an active part of the Network of Museums for Equality (RMI) and began its journey on June 9, 2022 with the commitment to promote equality in museums and art centers.
The RMI wants to work for equality from a gender perspective with an intersectional approach that encompasses other vulnerabilities. It is established as a space for participation that promotes a committed, critical, diverse and inclusive culture that supports social change and innovation.
The museums and art centers that are part of the RMI acquire an active ethical commitment, and we set ourselves the goal of contributing to reversing situations of inequality. To this end, we promote the use of diagnostic and self-diagnosis tools that allow us to reflect on our reality and identify possibilities for improvement, and we encourage the exercise of continuous planning that integrates the notion of equality in our plans, programs and projects. We propose to share concerns, document and disseminate experiences, evaluate results, and stimulate positive and inspiring actions.
We are united by the determinate to transform the museums and art centers of the Spanish State and Latin America, and turn them into more inclusive and democratic places.
→ If you want to know more about the RMI, click here to access the Museums for Equality Network website.