The University of Castilla-La Mancha has become the first Spanish university to obtain
AENOR certification against COVID-19 for all its teaching, research and administrative facilities.
This seal certifies that the practices implemented by the University in its facilities are being developed effectively for the management of the risks derived from the COVID-19, which allows us to consider a safe incorporation to the presential activity of the whole university community, in accordance with the criteria and preventive recommendations of the health authorities.
The certification carried out by AENOR, through exhaustive evaluations, both documentary and face-to-face, has assessed aspects such as risk management; health management in the workplace; training, information and communications developed; organisational measures (control of capacity, distances, signposting, etc.); protection (use of individual protection material), as well as good practices in cleaning, hygiene and disinfection of classrooms and facilities, all in line with contingency and business continuity plans.